Twenty-three years-ago John Fox published Poetic Medicine: The Healing Art of Poem-Making. Then and now, he believes, to have and make poems that "speak up" about political, cultural, social and community relationships is essential to our becoming whole persons. Here's what he wrote: Advocates for social change remind us of our responsibility to one another and the need for justice-but the individuals who catalyze conscience and creativity are more likely to win our hearts and quicken our ability to feel. How can we learn a language that helps us to feel more fully? Enter poets, poem-making and using your own creative voice to speak the truth. What we discover in this creative language is something more powerful and lasting than instituting another program to solve a problem.
John Fox is the founder of the Institute for Poetic Medicine, and can be found at:
#PoeticMedicine #PoetryasaToolforWellness #PoetryforWellbeing #JohnFox #InstituteforPoeticMedicine #mindfulnessandpoetry #reducestresswithpoetry